
Monday, February 13, 2012

Eric Andersen turns 69!

Eric Andersen and I crossed musical paths relatively late in his career, 1972’s Blue River acting as my introduction to his muse, instigating my seeking out and exploring his previous seven releases. What impressed me from the outset was the fact that his ’65 debut was NOT your typical folkie doing traditional covers but was comprised of all original compositions (well, except for one)!

I also remember anxiously looking forward to a follow-up to Blue River…that never happened! And subsequently hearing about the consequences behind there not being a follow-up (I don’t think Eric had ‘tweeting’ capabilities in ’73-’74), empathizing with his plight (the lost master tapes that didn’t turn up until some 20 years later), but seeing and hearing him rebound nicely and continue to have a productive career to this day.

When Eric graced us with his presence this past year at WUMB, not only did he sound ageless still, but the stories he told about criss-crossing North America were fascinating, especially the legendary Festival Express tour across Canada in 1970 with the Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin & the Band among others. Not to mention all the beat writers from the 60’s he used to commingle with as well. Oh, to be the proverbial fly on the wall as they say.

Eric turns a healthy 69 years young this Tuesday the 14th which is especially appropriate considering the romantic nature of most of his songs. Please tune in and join us in celebrating 45+ years of great music throughout the day w/Perry, Marilyn, Dave, Jay & John…on WUMB!

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